Monday, March 26, 2012


This snack sounds pretty interesting. I'm all for trying things out once at least.

It's seaweed. You can find out the benefits here and here.

Life in the Lost World is hosting a giveaway for this snack.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Do You Use Plastic or Cloth Sandwich Bags?

Since my husband and I both work full-time and our oldest is in school, we have a lot of lunches taken places.

I have a few cloth sandwich bags and use them as much as I can!

I love them because they are BPA, lead and phthalate free!  I also don't throw these away.

Go Graham Go! is giving away:

THREE sets of LunchSkins 2 packs ($33 value) AND a three-month subscription to The Six O’Clock Scramble ($21 value) - a time- and stress-saving weekly dinner planning system to help busy families put easy, healthy and delicious meals on the table each and every night!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Do You Purify Your Home?

I have always wondered if purifiers really work? The good ones are so expensive. Then of course you have to pay extra for filters to.

Since I have allergies pretty bad I've been wanting to try one. Does anyone know, do they actually do their job?
Feisty Frugal and Fabulous is giving away a Honeywell True Hepa Air Purifier.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Removing Chlorine From My Hair

I have chlorine build up in my hair. YAY! NOT! It's been so long since lately that we've gone swimming on a regular basis that I just didn't think about it happening. First it was our son Mica that got swimmers ear and now chlorine build up in our hair.

Mica's been swimming with ear plugs and we give him 3 drops of 1/2 rubbing alcohol and 1/2 white vinegar. It seems to be working.

I A) Haven't been able to go to the swim store to get shampoo meant for cleaning out the chlorine. It's across town. B) Haven't decided if I want to use it. Yep with my reactions to sulpha I've been pretty much hesitant with bath products lately. I bought all natural shampoo at Whole Foods and will be using that when my gigantic bottle from Costco runs out. C) I don't know if my boys are ready for no tear shampoo and they need to use it as well.

I read online that you can rinse your hair after swimming with regular water.

  • Then apply shampoo mixed with baking soda. Then you are supposed to leave it in for 2 minutes before rinsing. We tried it for the first time last night. I still have build up, but they said on the site it takes a handful of washing before it works. You are not supposed to do this everyday because it will dry out your hair. 
  • Mix a combination of 1 quart water and 1/4 cup white vinegar in a bottle or jar, and rinse the hair with this solution. Let the vinegar water sit on the hair for two minutes, then rinse with clear water. This restores the natural acidity of your hair that the chlorine stripped away. I haven't tried this one yet either.  It was found here. Condition hair really well afterwards.
  • Also tomato paste in your hair for 20 minutes is suppose to do the trick. I haven't tried that yet!

So...I'm Eembarrassed to Say That I Have a Corn on My Foot!

It hurts! I've been doing every text book thing I've read to do. I soak it in hot water, file it down, moisturize it, put Dr Scholl's Corn/Callus Remover on it and put a disc on it. I even bought new shoes. It hurts, just saying. It happened so fast. Oh and the shoes I was wearing never bothered me before, odd! I know they are the shoes that were doing it. I could feel the damage being done when I wore them.

If anyone has any tips on removing these suckers, or thinks the Dr Scholl's product is bad to use, I'm all for tips on getting rid of this punk of a corn!

For Breakfast We Had Something New

I made fresh orange juice. Nothing new there. I do think it's easier to make it with clementine rather than oranges. They are easier to peel and I just drop the whole thing in the juicer. With oranges the peeling is thicker, it takes longer to peel and I have to break them off into sections. Sometimes the when I break them into sections, I get juiced in the process.

We had our vitamin by H & N Health Paradise. It's taking us longer to get through the bottles then usual. Before I got them, I had a HUGE bottle of vitamins I bought from Costco. I alternate days for vitamins.

The new thing(s) we had was from Wasa.

Travis and I had this:
Photo Source

Our son's had this:
Photo Source

I'm not sure which one was better. I only tried the egg one. The boys did gobble theirs up. Isaak sort of dissected it first though. Yep berries came off first, then went his finger in the yogurt to lick and lately the Wasa cracker. He's three, what can I say? He still ate it.

My parents have Wasa crackers with all natural peanut butter and swiss cheese. Then they stick it in the oven on broil. I love it!

They have a lot more recipes on their site, so we may be having more Wasa treats for now on.

I've heard of Wasa before. I've even had them. I just never realized they had so many good recipes on their site until I read this post by A Nut in a Nutshell. She had a contest going, it's now over, but I still wanted to plug that inspiration in this post.

Win a Type T-Shirt

I love typography, especially since I teach about it.

This site called Typography Shop .com is giving away a t-shirt every week as long as they get 25 + entries. Go here to enter.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tropical Traditions Coconut Cream Concentrate

I'm now addicted to the sweet taste of coconut! I've found that it tastes good in a lot of things. I've never tried Tropical Traditions Coconut Cream Concentrate, but I have tried products of theirs and have never been disappointed!

Life in the Lost World is giving away Tropical Traditions Coconut Cream Concentrate.

If you are a first time shopper of Tropical Traditions, click here to buy some of their fantastic Coconut Oil and you will get a free recipe book with your purchase!


I love just a sprinkle of granola on plain Greek yogurt for breakfast!

Life in the Lost World is giving away two delicious varieties of By Hand Granola - Original and Gluten Free!


One thing I don't mess around with is bedding! I have really bad allergies. Here are a few tips of things you can do to help protect your bedding:
  • Wash your pillow case with every load of laundry. 
  • Sprinkle baking soda on your mattress and vacuum it.
  • Wash your hair before you go to bed to help with outdoor allergies.
  • Get new bedding every so often.
  • Get allergy protectors for your mattress and pillows.

 What to win 4 Aller-Ease allergy safe pillows? Go to Go Graham Go! to enter.